Home 5 Customer Spotlight 5 State Of West Virginia – Department Of Workforce

State Of West Virginia – Department Of Workforce


Modernize a state-run contact center to successfully manage a pandemic-fueled surge in calls


During the unprecedented situation caused by the pandemic, individuals understandably called their state’s workforce and labor agencies in large numbers, overwhelming phone systems and call centers. In West Virginia, the Department of Workforce (Workforce West VA – the organization that oversees the state’s unemployment insurance program) wrestled with their call center operations to keep up with the spike in call volume.

Understanding the agency’s need for a secure, reliable, and scalable modern contact center, SMX deployed Amazon Connect, an omnichannel cloud contact center. Our team created and implemented the contact center within 72 hours and on day one of operation, 98.7% of calls were answered. This solution was implemented without additional investment in on-premises hardware and quickly led to a modern, digital contact center system that sits at the core of the workflow and can be integrated with other key services.

The agency was able to greatly improve customer service, increase operational efficiency, and gain valuable insight in record time. SMX provides the State of West Virginia with 24x7x365, SLA-driven, managed services support capabilities that are designed to meet international security, data sovereignty, and state privacy mandates.


Governing Magazine “West Virginia Leverages the Cloud to Handle Flood of Unemployment Claims” (opens new window)


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