Home 5 Customer Spotlight 5 U.S. Special Operations Command Pacific (USSOCPAC)

U.S. Special Operations Command Pacific (USSOCPAC)


Enhance multi-domain ISR support to pinpoint and mitigate threats throughout the Indo-Pacific region.


USSOCPAC engaged the SMX team to deliver C5ISR and Intelligence Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED) services for the C5ISR-Pacific Operations (C3PO) program. The SMX team manages multiple C5ISR programs within the USINDOPACOM Area of Responsibility (AOR). We deliver agile, innovative, and efficient solutions for airborne, ground, maritime, and/or space-based C5ISR platforms.

Our mission-focused engineering and IT expertise includes facility preparation, payload and sensor integration and cyber risk mitigations, while our IA team ensures information systems are mission-ready with managed risk profiles.


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