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Pandemic Response Accountability Committee


Ensure the public has transparent access to government spending on pandemic-related economic relief.


As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in 2020, the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC)* was created to provide oversight of government resources distributed nationwide. The PRAC required a rich and immersive website at pandemicoversight.gov to provide transparency into the use of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds. SMX brought together a team of industry thought leaders from Mobomo, Domo, Woolpert, Grant Thornton, and Microsoft to work with the PRAC to redesign and launch the new site in less than seven weeks. The team understood that the U.S. Government was at an inflection point during challenging times. The website needed to be inviting and easy to use, while incorporating the best data visualization tools available. The team brought together designers, geospatial experts, and fraud and analytics reporting experts to develop a robust platform to provide real-time information and tools to the public. The delivered site provides:
  • Interactive maps to find coronavirus-related spending in your state, city, county, congressional district—right down to your zip code.
  • The ability to track coronavirus funding by agency providing money.
  • A hotline form that allows the public to report potential fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement of coronavirus relief funding.
  • The ability to browse the robust Reports Library to see the Inspectors General’s reports on how agency pandemic response programs are performing and how they could be improved.
  • Resource pages that provide answers to questions about housing, loans, health, and more.
  • Educational information on common coronavirus scams like fake vaccines.
*The Committee was established by the CARES Act within the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency to promote transparency and oversight of the approximately $2.6 trillion in economic relief and other funding provided by the Federal Government to U.S. citizens, businesses, medical providers, and impacted industries. Learn more about SMX Azure Cloud Services


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