Home 5 Customer Spotlight 5 Department of Interior (DOI) Cloud Hosting Services

Department of Interior (DOI) Cloud Hosting Services


Transform a heterogeneous systems portfolio to a modern, services-based architecture


To update and replace the DOI’s National Park Service (NPS) on-premises infrastructure, SMX implemented an approach built on an AWS foundation. The AWS implementation enables the NPS to use mobile devices to interface real-time with cloud-based applications from anywhere, providing National Park Rangers with relevant and current information.

These cloud-hosted services are supporting DOI’s target to achieve enterprise IT modernization goals, which significantly improves DOI’s ability to provide essential services and achieve its mission objectives.

By implementing modern, cloud-based IT at DOI, SMX is driving more predictable, transparent, and low-cost capabilities, which provide reduced cap-ex, faster time-to-market, better innovation, increased scale, enhanced security, improved SLAs, and an expanded service catalog.


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