Home 5 Customer Spotlight 5 Department of Justice (DOJ) – Multi-Cloud Containerization Strategy

Department of Justice (DOJ) – Multi-Cloud Containerization Strategy


The Department of Justice (DOJ) plays an integral role in guiding the activities of the nation’s judicial, law enforcement, and intelligence communities. The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) provides a broad and integral set of systems and guidelines that support all areas of the DOJ to improve efficiency, program effectiveness, and the successful execution of component missions, through the use of leading technology services. DOJ is in the early stages of developing and adopting a cloud-agnostic framework that focuses on containerized applications which will provide them with a management control plan to take advantage of existing, on-premises assets and processes, with the portability needed to deploy those same assets onto any chosen cloud platform. The DOJ needs to migrate to a scalable and cost effective multi/hybrid cloud environment, which supports streamlined application development and production deployment activities, as well as transparent and secure cloud operations. Then they need to develop an overall Cloud Adoption Framework and Cloud Strategy Roadmap, based on existing charters and enterprise best practices.


DOJ formed an initial target roadmap early into the engagement. SMX worked closely with DOJ to ramp up core competencies concerning containerization of applications and the migration and management of serverless computing workloads. The approach included building a foundational Landing Zone on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), containerizing an application, and deploying the containerized application in a repeatable fashion.

Additional outcomes included:

  • Establishing a DOJ-specific Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) for multi-cloud adoption
  • Mapping of roadmap priorities to implementation solutions
  • Configuration of Google Kubernetes Engine (including GKE Hub, GKE Connect Agent, Anthos Config Management) and Cloud Build pipelines
  • Advising multiple departments within DOJ on GCP capabilities
  • Providing a base understanding of Zero Trust adoption and operating models

As a result of this pilot, SMX helped DOJ define their multi-cloud container deployment strategy, built a secure and functional foundation within which they can host container services, and successfully deployed the containerized workloads to multiple Kubernetes-based cloud platform services. The DOJ now has control on where they run workloads, the scalability of those workloads, along with greater transparency into their cloud spend. The DOJ will continue to build upon the foundational platform created by the SMX team to further mature their processes and pipeline-driven deployment capabilities, with the overall goal of supporting a long term, multi-cloud containerization vision.


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